
  • 2023年1月31日


    Agreement with France: Everything you need to know

    Recently, the United States and France announced a new agreement aimed at resolving a long-running dispute over France`s digital services tax. The agreement has been praised as a positive step forward for both countries, but what does it all mean and how will it affect businesses and individuals?


    In July 2019, France imposed a digital services tax of 3% on revenue generated by large tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. The tax was designed to target companies that it felt were not paying their fair share of taxes in France. Following the tax`s implementation, the United States threatened to impose tariffs on French goods in response, arguing that the tax unfairly targeted American companies.

    Details of the Agreement

    Under the new agreement, France will suspend collection of its digital services tax until the end of 2021, giving both countries time to negotiate a new global tax framework for digital companies. The agreement also includes a commitment from France to refund any excess taxes paid by U.S. companies if a final deal is reached that results in those companies paying less than they would have under the digital services tax.

    Impact on Businesses

    The agreement is a positive step for businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, as it avoids the imposition of tariffs and provides certainty around tax obligations. Companies that were facing additional fees or changes to their operations due to the digital services tax can now breathe a sigh of relief. However, the agreement is not a permanent solution, and businesses will need to monitor negotiations to ensure they stay up-to-date with any new developments.

    Future Implications

    The agreement between the United States and France is just the beginning of a larger conversation around how to fairly tax digital companies operating across borders. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is leading negotiations on a broader global framework for digital taxation, and over 130 countries are currently involved in those talks. The hope is that a global agreement can be reached that will create a level playing field for all companies operating in the digital economy.


    The agreement between the United States and France is a positive development in the ongoing conversation around digital taxation, but it`s just the first step in a longer journey. Businesses should stay up-to-date on negotiations and monitor how changes to tax laws and regulations may affect their operations. With the right preparation and planning, businesses can navigate this complex landscape and ensure compliance with tax laws all over the world.

  • 2023年1月28日


    If you`re a student at RWTH Aachen University in Germany, chances are you may have heard about the grant agreement Erasmus program. This program, which is funded by the European Union, allows students to study abroad in another EU country while receiving financial support to make their experience more affordable.

    A crucial aspect of the Erasmus program is the grant agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions of your participation. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the grant agreement for the Erasmus program at RWTH Aachen University.

    What is the Grant Agreement?

    The grant agreement is a legally binding document that details the obligations and responsibilities of both the student and the university. It also outlines the amount of financial support you will receive for your study abroad program, including tuition fees, travel expenses, and living costs.

    The grant agreement is signed by both the student and the university, and serves as a contract between the two parties. It is important to carefully review the terms and conditions of the grant agreement before signing, and to consult with an advisor if you have any questions or concerns.

    What Are the Obligations of the Student?

    As a student participating in the Erasmus program at RWTH Aachen University, you are responsible for fulfilling certain obligations outlined in the grant agreement. These obligations include:

    – Maintaining enrollment at RWTH Aachen University during the entire study abroad program

    – Attending all required courses and exams at the host institution

    – Following the rules and regulations of the host institution

    – Completing all necessary paperwork and documentation, including academic transcripts and progress reports

    – Reporting any change in circumstances that may affect your eligibility for the grant

    What Are the Obligations of the University?

    RWTH Aachen University is also responsible for fulfilling certain obligations outlined in the grant agreement. These obligations include:

    – Providing academic guidance and support to students before, during, and after the study abroad program

    – Ensuring that all necessary paperwork and documentation is completed and submitted on time

    – Paying the financial support to eligible students in a timely manner

    – Monitoring students` progress and reporting back to the European Commission on the success of the program


    Participating in the Erasmus program at RWTH Aachen University can be an enriching and rewarding experience, both academically and personally. However, it is important to carefully review the grant agreement before signing, and to understand your obligations and responsibilities as a student. By doing so, you can ensure that your study abroad program is a success, and that you make the most of your opportunity to learn and grow in a different cultural setting.

  • 2023年1月27日


    A Rule 11 agreement is a legally binding contract between two or more parties that settles a dispute without needing to go to court. The agreement is filed with the court and serves as a record of the resolution. Once filed, can a Rule 11 agreement be changed?

    The answer to this question is not straightforward. In general, once a Rule 11 agreement is filed with the court, it cannot be changed unless both parties agree to the modification. Any change to the agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties involved. If there is a disagreement about the modification, it may be necessary to seek the court`s intervention and have the agreement enforced.

    It is important to understand that Rule 11 agreements are legally binding contracts, and as such, they should be carefully reviewed before signing. The agreement should clearly outline the terms of the settlement, including any conditions or restrictions. If there is any ambiguity or confusion, it is important to seek legal counsel to clarify the terms of the agreement to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes later on.

    However, in some cases, a Rule 11 agreement can be challenged or invalidated. For example, if one party can prove that they were coerced into signing the agreement, or if there was fraud or misrepresentation involved, the agreement may be voided.

    In conclusion, a Rule 11 agreement is a legally binding contract that settles a dispute between two or more parties. Once filed with the court, the agreement cannot be changed without the consent of all parties involved. It is important to carefully review the terms of the agreement before signing and to seek legal counsel if there is any confusion or ambiguity. While rare, a Rule 11 agreement can be challenged or invalidated in certain circumstances.

  • 2023年1月16日


    A written agreement between parents for child support is an important document that outlines the financial obligations of each parent in the support of their child or children. This agreement is typically drafted when parents separate or divorce and want to ensure that their children`s needs are being met. A well-drafted agreement can help avoid misunderstandings, arguments, and conflicts in the future.

    The first and most important step in drafting a written agreement for child support is to ensure that it is legally binding. This means that the agreement must comply with the laws of the state where it is being signed. Each state has its own laws regarding child support, and it`s important to research these laws and ensure that the agreement complies with them.

    Another important factor to consider when drafting a written agreement for child support is the amount of money that will be paid. The amount of child support should be based on the needs of the child as well as the income of each parent. There are several factors to consider when calculating child support, including the child`s age, health, education, and living expenses.

    In addition to the amount of money that will be paid, the agreement should also include details about how the money will be paid. For example, will it be paid in a lump sum or in regular instalments? Will it be paid directly to the custodial parent, or will it be paid to a third-party entity such as the state child support agency?

    The written agreement should also include details about how the child`s expenses will be divided between the parents. This may include expenses such as medical bills, school fees, and extracurricular activities. The agreement should also outline how these expenses will be reimbursed and what documentation is required to support these expenses.

    Another important factor to consider when drafting a written agreement for child support is the length of time that the support will be provided. In most cases, child support is provided until the child reaches the age of majority or graduates from high school. However, in some cases, child support may be provided for a longer period of time, such as if the child has special needs.

    Finally, the agreement should also include provisions for modifying the child support agreement in the future. This is important because circumstances can change, and it may be necessary to modify the amount of child support being paid. The agreement should outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be modified, as well as the process for doing so.

    In conclusion, a written agreement between parents for child support is an important document that should be carefully drafted and legally binding. It should include details about the amount of money that will be paid, how the money will be paid, how the child`s expenses will be divided, the length of time that the support will be provided, and provisions for modifying the agreement in the future. By carefully considering these factors, parents can create a fair and effective child support agreement that meets the needs of their children.

  • 2023年1月14日


    A contract for the sale of land is an agreement between a buyer and a seller regarding the transfer of ownership of a piece of property. It outlines everything from the purchase price to the timeline for closing the deal. One of the most important documents involved in a real estate transaction, the contract for the sale of land sets out the terms of the sale and protects both parties involved. In 2005, the Law Society of England and Wales produced a standard contract for the sale of land, known as the 2005 edition.

    The 2005 edition of the contract for the sale of land is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of the sale process. It includes clauses regarding completion, title, and any applicable taxes and fees. The contract is designed to be fair and balanced for both the buyer and seller, offering protection for each party in the event of a dispute.

    One of the key features of the 2005 edition is the completion mechanism. This governs the transfer of ownership from the seller to the buyer and specifies the date on which this will take place. The completion mechanism also sets out the requirements for payment, including the amount, the form of payment, and any applicable taxes and fees.

    Another important aspect of the 2005 edition is the title clause. This sets out the requirements for the seller to provide clear title to the property, free from any encumbrances, liens, or other claims. The clause also outlines the remedies available to the buyer in the event that the seller fails to provide clear title.

    The 2005 edition also includes provisions for warranties and representations by the seller, as well as the obligations of both parties during the period between exchange of contracts and completion. These provisions help to ensure that both parties are aware of their responsibilities during the sale process and can avoid any misunderstandings or disagreements.

    Overall, the 2005 edition of the contract for the sale of land is a comprehensive and balanced document that offers protection to both the buyer and seller. It sets out the terms of the sale in a clear and concise manner, allowing both parties to enter into the transaction with confidence. Whether you are buying or selling a property, the 2005 edition is a valuable resource that can help to ensure a smooth and successful sale.