Michigan Standard Custody Agreement


When it comes to child custody and visitation arrangements in Michigan, there are certain guidelines and standards that must be followed. These guidelines are known as the Michigan Standard Custody Agreement, which outlines the terms and conditions for custody and visitation arrangements for children of divorced or separated parents.

The Michigan Standard Custody Agreement is a legal document that serves as a starting point for parents to create a custody and visitation arrangement that is in the best interest of the child. It includes specific provisions for physical and legal custody, child support, and parenting time.

Physical custody refers to where the child will live most of the time. Legal custody refers to the decision-making power of the parents regarding the child`s upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religion. In Michigan, joint legal custody is presumed to be in the best interest of the child unless there is evidence to the contrary.

The Michigan Standard Custody Agreement also outlines the requirements for child support payments. The amount of child support is based on the income of both parents and the number of children involved. The agreement also includes provisions for medical and dental expenses, as well as other expenses such as extracurricular activities, daycare, and transportation.

Parenting time, often referred to as visitation, is also addressed in the Michigan Standard Custody Agreement. The agreement outlines a parenting time schedule that is in the best interest of the child, taking into consideration the child`s age, school schedule, and other activities.

It is important to note that while the Michigan Standard Custody Agreement provides a starting point for parents to create a custody and visitation arrangement, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every family is unique, and the agreement should reflect the specific needs and interests of the child.

It is also important to seek the advice of a qualified attorney when creating a custody and visitation arrangement. An attorney can help parents understand their legal rights and obligations and ensure that the agreement is in compliance with Michigan law.

In conclusion, the Michigan Standard Custody Agreement is an important legal document that serves as a starting point for parents to create a custody and visitation arrangement that is in the best interest of the child. By understanding the requirements and provisions of the agreement, parents can work together to create a plan that promotes the happiness and well-being of their children.