Identify Four Ways Subject and Verb Agreement Sentence


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule in the English language that ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence agree in terms of their number. A simple example is “The dog barks” where “dog” is the subject, and “barks” is the verb. The subject and verb must agree in number, which means that for singular subjects, we use singular verbs, and for plural subjects, we use plural verbs. For instance, “the dog barks” is correct, but “the dog bark” is incorrect. In this article, we`ll identify four ways to ensure subject-verb agreement in your sentences.

1. Identify the Subject

It is essential to identify the subject of your sentence before choosing the appropriate verb. The subject is the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. To identify the subject, ask the question “who” or “what” before the verb. For example, in the sentence “The dog barks,” the subject is “dog” because we ask, “what barks?”

2. Determine the Number of the Subject

Once you have identified the subject, determine the number of the subject, whether it is singular or plural. Singular subjects refer to one person, thing, or idea, while plural subjects refer to more than one person, thing, or idea. For instance, in the sentence “The dogs bark,” the subject is “dogs,” which is plural, referring to more than one dog.

3. Choose the Correct Verb

After identifying the subject and determining its number, select the appropriate verb to agree with the subject. For singular subjects, use singular verbs, and for plural subjects, use plural verbs. For example, in the sentence “The dog barks,” the verb “barks” is singular, while in the sentence “The dogs bark,” the verb “bark” is plural.

4. Watch Out for Tricky Phrases

Some phrases may confuse subject-verb agreement, leading to incorrect sentences. For instance, phrases such as “as well as,” “along with,” “in addition to,” and “together with,” may confuse the number of the subject. When using these phrases, ensure that the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. For example, in the sentence “The cat, as well as the dog, is sleeping,” the subject closest to the verb “is” is “cat,” which is singular, and so the singular verb “is” is correct.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial rule in ensuring clear and grammatically correct sentences. By following these four ways, you can easily identify the subject and the correct verb and avoid mistakes in subject-verb agreement. Always remember to identify the subject, determine its number, choose the correct verb, and watch out for tricky phrases.